Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Step one.

And so it begins. Many people have decided to do YouTube videos in order to chronicle their journey from plus size to "normal" size or from super duper morbidly obese to just obese, or better yet a "healthy weight". I've decided to do something a bit less invasive (lol) and start a blog to capture my journey. I'm guessing this will start as a good way for me to keep track of my progress, what works and what doesn't, and products or pointers that I want to try or that work well for me. However, I'm imagining that what will happen is I'll start incorporating other aspects of my life into the posts. We'll see how it goes.

I started this journey what seems like many moons ago. It was June 2014 I had just come off my last attempt at Weight Watchers and a "PCOS friendly" diet that had me eating organic, whole, foods but I was still struggling with portion sizes, my love of cake, and exercise. My knees and ankles have taken a beating over the years and at a weight of 352 I couldn't move much without discomfort. I had also had a physical with my PCP followed by several follow up appointments that resulted in being prescribed a water pill for high blood pressure and a blood test coming back with high cholesterol. To top it all off, my weight had gone up and not down. She asked me what I was going to do. I was prepared for the question. I had been thinking about it for a couple months. After years and years of saying I would never ever have weight loss surgery, that I could do it on my own, my only answer for her was maybe it was time. Maybe I had exhausted all my options. Weight loss surgery might be my only hope. So she referred me to Dr. Anthony McCluney at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Brighton, MA. I scheduled an appointment with the nutritionist in August at their "local" office in Brockton.

The initial appointment was pretty much what I expected. We talked about food and the need to lose weight before surgery in order to move forward. She did have some helpful information for me. She suggested I start trying protein powders now so I can figure out what I like before I will actually NEED to be drinking it. I found this awesome website that you can buy samples from in order to try out different protein powders before you buy a big container. She also suggested that I buy some smaller plates and utensils to help with my portion sizes. It does work to trick the mind into thinking you have more on your plate than you do. We also talked about vitamins and where to get them and what I'll eventually need. Overall it went well and I left the appointment reinvigorated and excited about moving forward.

My next appointment wasn't until late October. Getting in to see the Doctor was much harder than the nutritionist.

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